Top features of Free Blogging Websites in 2022


A blog site is designed to have as many visitors as possible. Therefore, creating one is more of a challenge. Along with having quality content, some features make a blog site unique.

Visitors won't bother looking at your articles if they are not presented well. Therefore, you get more traffic if your blog looks attractive and functions well.

Therefore, we will cover some of the must-have features of free blogging websites in 2022.

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Must-have features of a blog site:

There are some features that you absolutely cannot do without. Let's take a quick look at some of them.

• Modern design with better content presentation

• Typography that pleases readers' eyes

• Highly navigable menus

• Email subscription system

• Social media presence

• Versatile post formats

• Multiple comment options

• Website security

• Anti-spamming system

• Search engine optimization

One might think it's challenging to create a captivating blog with all these features. Fortunately, some themes help you build a Free Blogging Platform efficiently, ensuring the majority of the features listed above.

In this regard, the Top 10 Free Blogging Sites can help you with the maintenance.